PIMAY Journey of RA 30 Day Challenge September 30th - October 29th

Get ready for this Journey of Ra 30 Day Challenge fundraiser.

30 Day RA Challenge

For 30 days nurture and nourish yourself with yoga postures and meditation.

TheJourney of Ra is a love affair with humanity. This love affair is consistent, sincere and appreciative. The journey is serving,deserving and unnerving.

TheJourney is the unraveling of self, body, mind and soul with the use of 12-16  ‘hanuaat’ movements.

For 30 days you will gain a more fitter body and clearer mind. For 30 days make small yet sustainable changes to your life.

Join PIMAY – Journey of Ra 30 day challenge and empower your life and while doing so, raise funds for a great cause. Join the online classes.

This challenge requires a total 3 Journey’s per day for Week 1

6 Journey’s per day for week 2 and 9 per day for week 3 and 4  

189 sequences/cycles of The Journey of Ra in total over 30 days developing strength endurance and flexibility.

Respond to this email to receive the link for your classes.

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Take pictures or videos while in the posture and post.

When posting and using social media 

Tag Pablo Imani on instagram or facebook and ashtag #afrikanyoga #AYJOURNEYOFRA30DC  #yogawithpablo #pabloimani #pabloimanimethod #30daychallenge #yogachallenge #afrikanyogis #yogisofinstagram #tameresmaitaui

This jOURNEY OF RA 30 Day Challenge requires a small donation to raise funds for our Ashram in Kenya. To Join and for donations please click the link provided.

Once the donation is registered on our crowdfunder page you will receive the THE JOURNEY OF RA 30 Day Challenge pdf and links for the videos and online sessions. Thank you very much for your participation.

Thank you in advance for your donation.

ANKH/Ashram in Kenya

We are raising £18000 for a 7 acre development in a rural area of Kenya Per Ankh (House of Life)  Ashram that has a multi-purpose usage as it will be used for teacher training in Afrikan yogic techniques and systems, classes and course  devoted to Afrikan Yoga, Afrikan dance, Afrikan Martial Arts and Healing Sciences. Per Ankh will also provide massage, Herbal treatment and Holistic Health Consultation and other therapeutic systems with a focus to creating better health in Kenya and a space for internationals to train, learn and teach in these disciplines.

The House of Life Site will also provide training for self employment within the leisure, education, sustainable development and health sectors throughout Kenya and other countries on the continent, providing classes and interactive workshops for personal development. The site aims to attract dedicated student teachers locally and internationally.

Aims of the Site
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    To create a center for the practice of natural healing, providing respite and relaxation. Healing Sciences to include Afrikan Yoga, Meditation, Massage, Herbal Cleansing, Holistic Health Training

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    To maintain a Cultural and Historical Educational Resource Centre (including Library)

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    To build and maintain site using Deep Ecology and Permaculture principles.

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    To build a site using sustainable eco technology, using locally sourced material

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    To maintain a system of organic cultivation for consumption and sale

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    To develop a working artistic community of Africans of the Diaspora in partnership with indigenous Africans in order to preserve African Arts, Sciences and Craft.

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    To create a site for the dissemination and training of expertise.

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    To provide a retreat for tourist and visitors

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