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What is PIMAY? – Pablo Imani Method Afrikan Yoga
PIMAY by Pablo M Imani AKA Nebu Ankh Wadjet Khonsu Sekhem Ptah is a form of yoga known for its use of rhythmic movements to the sounds of drums that aid in heating up the body in order to perform Sanuyaat /Postures. Adequate natural body heat and energy generation minimises the risks of injury or strain when doing static postures, it’s what Pablo Imani calls Tama-re Smai Tau
There is an emphasis on elemental body awareness and breath. The development of flexibility, mobility, strength and endurance is emphasized through dance and postures. Afrikan Yoga is firmly based on the movements of the Neters/Neteru as found on the temple walls at The Temple of Luxor, The Temple of Horus at Edfu and in the scientific methods as mentioned in the Ebers Papyrus, Edwin smith Papyrus, Rhind Papyrus — the oldest books in the world known as The Pyramid Texts.
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